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Online Members (Website): 7
Current Guests: 6


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System Rules

About| Back Story| System Rules


The demons seek to bring chaos to the realm of mortals while the angels seek to form order and peace

Eternal Conflict®: Angels and Demons is a system created by Lhinovanion & Tasha Helcaraxe, under L&T Designs Brand in the meta-verse of SecondLife. Eternal Conflict is a system that is mixed with both Role-play and Combat. This is an invite only system, as the Angels & Demons roam the mortal realms unnoticed, only to transcend/descend those that seem worthy to join in this Eternal Conflict. This is a free to play system and though there are many products and fancy gadgets that you can acquire if you wish to, the system itself is free. The main focus in EC is this war that has been going on between Angels and Demons for as long as The Fire Angel fell from the High Heavens. They struggle to control the mortal realm while keeping their existence a myth from them. The demons seek to bring chaos to the realm of mortals while the angels seek to form order and peace. This ongoing struggle has left both sides desperate and they seek to build their numbers by transcending and descending mortals to join in their fight. The mortals with tainted and cursed souls seek to aid the Demons and help them build and win this war once and for all, while those that are pure and blessed seek to bring peace to the realm by siding with the Angels. The way that EC is structured is each subclass of both Angels & Demons are controlled by the Archangel or Arch-demon of that specific subclass. No Archangel nor Arch-demon will be of the same subclass. In the Eternal Conflict: Angels and Demons, the subclasses of Angels are referred to as Domains, that of Demons is referred to as Legions. The Archangels lead choirs of angels to aide in battle, while Arch-demons command hordes of demons.

If you are interested in joining the system you can visit the SIM. You will have to be transcended or descended by a current member of the system, on the SIM you are sure to find some current members. You can either become enlightened and join the ranks of Angels or give in to your carnal desires and descend as a Demon, which side will you chose?


The Eternal Conflict is here and is unavoidable. Which side will be triumphant? The fate of the world is now dependant on the outcome of this Conflict...

"Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time..."


Even though the system offers endless possibilities, there are a few things that you should not do for your own good.

1. No fighting/combat of any kind in the High Heavens and Hell nor anywhere on the EC Sim. This means no attacking of any kind with the A&D HUD or any other HUD games or systems while on the EC Sim. The EC sim is a COMPLETE safe-zone.

2. There can be no rules, punishment, and/or official complaint for attacks between opposite species or attacks towards Criminals, or from an arranged event by Sators or those within an officially declared conflict by Leaders (Chieftains/Cardinals).

3. Do not reveal to a mortal that you or anyone else is/was tainting or blessing them, unless you are in the process to descend/transcend them. (Since they don't know the details of the system it makes them think the system HUDs are harming their avatars when it is not.)

4. You are allowed to sell your backpack items ONLY on the A&D System Marketplace. You are free to give away those items but if you are selling them they must go on the A&D System Marketplace. Also you can sell our other products such as blood tanks and etc but you must rez them and place them for sale so that the buyer can directly buy the product. We do not want to hear any complaints like "I sent the money for a blood tank and the seller never gave it to me." etc.

5. Do not modify or cover any of the system objects especially to make them look like the items that we change the color of, add glow, etc (generally modified) as a prize such as the Core Object tools (For example: glowing hatchets, pickaxes, chisels; color changed hatchets, pickaxes, chisels, etc). It is not fair to those that earn those from us as prizes.

6. Do not kill alts or anyone in agreement to gain unfair advantage over others in any aspect of the system including but not limited to the Achievement Boards, Born to Kill, or etc.. This will be severely punished and if deemed necessary a system ban will be handed down.

7. If you are caught using 3rd party programs, viewers, auto-clickers or inworld HUDs, scripts, bots to gain an unfair advantage over other players you will be PERMANENTLY System Banned. This does not include using followers/attachers/flight boost/invisibility or the like.



Within this conflict, there are some tools you might want to know about.

Main HUD

This is the interface to use to attack and defeat your enemies and to keep yourself healthy. All the functions you need to get information about your character is within this HUD.
>> Learn more about the Main HUD

Backpack HUD

All the resources (reagents, potions, ores, ingots, logs, parchments, inks etc.), your Armors and Profession Skills are displayed on your Backpack HUD. A type of Inventory for your character.
>> Learn more about the Backpack HUD

Party HUD

With this tool, you can create parties, invite your friends to your party and track their health and mana levels to help them if they are in danger. It is a really helpful tool in group fights.
>> Learn more about the Party HUD

Card Game HUD

It is a fun addition for A&D System for those who likes Card Battling Games. You can challenge your friends or play with random members. It can get addicting.
>> Learn more about the Card Game HUD


If you would like to be a Miner, a Crafter, an Alchemist or even a Scribe, Professions are definitely your thing!








The weekly battles that The War Council is organizing, a.k.a. The Battle Master System

Battle Name: Revenge Of Cupid Love
Date & Time: Feb 15th, 2025 @12PM SLT
  • (1) Heal Potion
  • No Defensive Spells
  • No Attack Spells
  • No Tiny Avatars
  • No Followers
  • No Dashing
  • No Flying
UsernameAgeSpeciesTeamSpellsTeam Fights
abz.nightwish1271DemonMalum Daemoniumsyes
lex.firehart1001AngelAngeli Seraphinaeyes
subishi.jezebel842DemonAtra Tempestasyes
5 fighters signed up for this battle.


Lectures by the A&D community teachers.

(Introduction to Role Play, A&D Lore, How the system works etc.)

Arena and Raiding
Want to learn about the Arena Battles? Need to learn about the two Raid Bosses? This is the class for you!
by abz.nightwishDate: Feb 11th, 2025 - 04:00 PM SLT
A&D Intro and Safety
No matter if you are new or old member here, this class is for you! We will discuss about the most topics within A&D, and how to be safe in A&D. Bring your minions and questions!
by kakacrisbrDate: Feb 12th, 2025 - 12:00 PM SLT
A&D Relations and Vow System
The Relations and Vow System is a good way to grow up faster and receive some bonuses to working together. So lets discuss and know a bit more about this incredible resources we have in A&D
by kakacrisbrDate: Feb 19th, 2025 - 12:00 PM SLT
The Lore and The Backstory Chapter 1
Reading of the Lore and the first chapter of the Backstory
by abz.nightwishDate: Feb 25th, 2025 - 04:00 PM SLT
Intro to RP and A&D Tasks System
In A&D we have the Tasks System, the main part about RP skills within the system. So lets learn a bit more about RP and how the Tasks System works and start to up the ranks for your char
by kakacrisbrDate: Feb 26th, 2025 - 12:00 PM SLT
The Backstory chapter 2
The reading of the backstory chapter two.
by abz.nightwishDate: Mar 4th, 2025 - 04:00 PM SLT
A&D Achievements System
In this class we will see about a very important Sub-System we have in A&D: Achievements
by kakacrisbrDate: Mar 5th, 2025 - 12:00 PM SLT
The Wars
Reading of The Great War of Miriach and The War of Sacrilege
by abz.nightwishDate: Mar 11th, 2025 - 04:00 PM SLT
Stats and Intro to the Fighting
If you wanna know a bit more about the fighting, this class is a good way. We will see a bit more about Stats System and how they are a good resources we have in A&D to help us in our fighting profile
by kakacrisbrDate: Mar 12th, 2025 - 12:00 PM SLT
Death Blossom
Reading of the Death Blossom
by abz.nightwishDate: Mar 18th, 2025 - 04:00 PM SLT


Hordes of Demons

OrderHorde Name Lv Chieftain Chief Captain Centurion
Blaze Drakonis
Lv.10 (24722663 exp)
expertmaniac aliya.marques lancer.kira
Natus Ignis
Lv.10 (132565190 exp)
kakacrisbr nolimits2018 seraaqua.nebula
Atra Tempestas
Lv.10 (16506352 exp)
bunniefrancis kingvjoker zanderreeves
4Malum Daemoniums
Lv.10 (10984210 exp)
abz.nightwish lucifer.nightwish
5Requiem Silentio Infierno
Lv.10 (21364136 exp)
nerwen.drascol loolamoon gabmax.aeon
Lv.10 (41372414 exp)
ellenerose kairi.zabelin maileigh
7Unspoken Torment
Lv.10 (51578155 exp)
saddiikristophermich sweetbellarose1
8Soulz of darkness
Lv.10 (44650324 exp)
defiant.forsythe nikkidodge1112 cowgirlchevy
Lv.10 (11972944 exp)
princess.paisley ashtonwilliams crickett.lane
10Daemones Invehitur
Lv.10 (12015464 exp)
harkfumon yoanna2 erpeche
11Souls of Sonneillon
Lv.10 (37411523 exp)
suzy.spicy sarrah.spicy
12Tenebris Derelictis
Lv.10 (21414417 exp)
lightstorm1 orion.ayashi serena.blackwood
13Kadingir Sanctum
Lv.10 (15811456 exp)
ghoul.macabre aprilxrayne emmiiwolf
Lv.9 (4607294 exp)
milly1 sineade kat1874
15Reapers of the Underworld
Lv.10 (25023707 exp)
juliasalvatore19 rebelbelle01 dimazing.starsider
16Infernal Anguish
Lv.9 (3151371 exp)
lincolngabriel.morbi marishka.leeder crimson789
17The Fallen Darkness
Lv.10 (24258584 exp)
18Unholy Reign
Lv.9 (9199961 exp)
valora.ravenhurst samarasiren blackdahlias
19Demonic Unicorns
Lv.9 (6431372 exp)
mysterious.conundrum lucy.snugglepuff mrnightwolf666.hunts


Choirs of Angels

OrderChoir Name Lv Cardinal Herald Acolyte
Guardianes De Astraea
Lv.10 (56731290 exp)
shubabyta juankarlitos manolicifuentes
Moonsongs Apostles
Lv.10 (46465516 exp)
sintastic.aries kathrynswann snarepassion
Divine Solstice
Lv.10 (52405882 exp)
ripsu123 fordpilot midnightecho.starfor
4Angeli Seraphinae
Lv.10 (16238529 exp)
lex.firehart bea.venus terminator1990
5Angelic Choir of Thrones
Lv.10 (30088395 exp)
ryderlyn kira.padfoot pheniox.jameson
6Sodalis Caeli
Lv.10 (16558737 exp)
meghan.starchild jinaying velaris.nightingale
7Aeternam Lux Anima
Lv.10 (35304803 exp)
geisavalle crystalnigthroad naismon
8Sagrado Destino
Lv.10 (11509745 exp)
esmeralda.rowley fernando.mcgregor
9Invictus Angels
Lv.10 (32400613 exp)
booggabearruby worldboss288 cerenai
10Mystic Fire
Lv.10 (11206826 exp)
fazforever ailydragonai traviesocelestial
Lv.10 (36279621 exp)
raysomona.batz moogle.kiyori
12Custodes Lucis Aeternae
Lv.10 (20588242 exp)
sjennings megalodon.clawtooth celestialsdeal
13Erebus Rising
Lv.10 (17947358 exp)
14Angels of Shadows
Lv.10 (28396702 exp)
lalita.pearl kalia.befana
15Deathly Hallows Choir
Lv.7 (1531832 exp)
mvnster relaxrehab iamtheoneanonly
16Cascade Celestials
Lv.9 (6402901 exp)
17Amor Angeli
Lv.10 (35787735 exp)
kimberly.lemongrass djohar
18Choir of Themis
Lv.10 (12791785 exp)
fuincognito pompomxdarkxrose
19Chorus Cherubim
Lv.8 (1888324 exp)
grafzaepisch lisatr xlunamelx
Lv.9 (6714062 exp)
onewayticket christymoo2 zairrah

Copyright © March 2015-2024
Eternal Conflict®: Angels & Demons Role Playing System
Developed by Lhinovanion & Tasha Helcaraxë within SecondLife Metaverse